The gold rush in USA

The gold rush is known as an integral part of the history of the Far West, and the history of American culture.

After the conquest of the West, in the territories colonized of America commenced to create areas inhabited more organized and consequently had improved the transport network and media that favored the spread of the news.

In addition, the industrial revolution had work in cities brought but also unhealthy and often monotonous and poorly paid, and this had created social discontent; the international monetary system of the time was based on gold, all valid reasons to induce many people to flee the city and go for gold in the most isolated and remote areas of the nation, with the hopes of finding wealth for the rest of their days.

However, this often changed the colonists settlement plans in the USA, they were to create areas in earlier sparsely settled areas, and where social settlements were not scheduled; this due to displacement of goldminers those stabilized where he said there were mineral deposits of gold.